When we think of repetition, it normally evokes associations of tedious, uninteresting, and monotonous activities. However, when it comes to photography, using repetition can enable us to capture a powerful image that has real impact.
Visual patterns can create rhythm, harmony and cohesion, which can provide a sense of comfort for the viewer. By repeating elements over and over many times, it creates patterns which can strengthen the image. Zooming in on a pattern so that it fills the frame, for example, can really enhance the sense of repetition and can give the impression that the pattern is far bigger than it actually is.
However, if an image shows pure repetition, it stands the chance of overwhelming the viewer as there is no real focal point in the image. A great way of counteracting this is to break the repetition by including a contrasting object, a different colour, a distinctive texture or a specific shape. This deliberate use of opposition will draw the attention of the viewer and gives dramatic impact to the shot.
We are looking for your attempts at creating strong images using repetition. Be as creative as you can with your composition to create the biggest impact. Good luck!

Georgios Zampas, Malecon Habana.