Competition Archive

Seascape Moods

This competition has now closed.


Surfing Memories
Mike Langdon
Back to the sea
Vlad Sidorak
Life on the ice
Sandra Angers-Blondin


The sea can speak to us, draw us in, heal, and if taken lightly, can harm. There is no denying this is a dynamic, uncontrollable and changeable force. It can shift forms, colours, shapes and moods, all depending on the weather, season, and time of day. When capturing these scenes, you are open to every single element making it challenging yet rewarding, when you finally capture that golden shot.

The oceans are vast, covering 140 million square miles, some 72 per cent of the earth’s surface. Not only are the oceans a prime source of nourishment for the wildlife who live in it, and for us humans, but from earliest recorded history it has served for trade and commerce, adventure and discovery.

It has kept people apart and pulled them together. It has been the reason why villages and towns have grown at the mouths of rivers.

It is also the place that people most often go to, to be able to relax and unwind. There is no feeling like the feeling of going to a beach and listening to the rhythmic lapping of the waves on the beach in Summer, or the sensation of watching huge rolling waves crashing onto the shifting sands in Winter.

The power of the sea. Something that should never be underestimated. For something that brings a feeling of peacefulness on a beach, it’s destructive powers can be witnessed when looking at the aftermath of a tsunami.

No other entity in nature responds to the waxing and waning of the moon, forming tides and providing cycles by which we worked out our calendar in the days before the adoption of the Gregorian calendar.

On a different note altogether, in recent times, the sea has been widely talked about due to the amount of plastic waste discovered lurking beneath the surface.

In this competition, we are looking for your take on seascapes. Whether this is from below, above, or from your favourite look out. Perhaps you are a fisherman, or a surfer, and are capturing the sea while you and the water are truly as one. Maybe you have a favourite walk, an iconic view, or a spot where the sun sets daily. Or you could even present a documentary theme, showing the effect of plastic waste on the sea and those who call it their home.

Whatever your connection to the sea, and how you view it, we want to see this. We’re looking for all the faces of the ocean and how this is viewed by the people who share it.

Competition Judge

Ann Dickson

Ann Dickson L.R.P.S.

I was lucky enough to travel to Australia in my early twenties, where was hit by the harsh bright light. After being so used to the soft light of Northamptonshire. The modern architecture mixed with the bright colours of the New South Wales scenery, taught me so much, about how light plays such an important part in our photography.

A career of working with horses, then having a family, put photography on the back boiler. But by the time last child went of to school, digital photography had become more affordable. My first digital camera was a Fujifilm S7000 in 2004, followed by an evening classes, so I could learn about the black art of Photoshop.

Photography was again put to one side due to family circumstances, until after moving house I was taken a local camera club by a wonderful neighbour. She took me under her wing and pushed me. Luckily we both love nature and the great outdoors, plus we where both grooms. This helps out, having an eye for detail in both photography and work.

After joining the local camera club and gaining the confidence to show my work, I went to a photographic exhibition whilst holidaying in Norfolk. There I was encouraged to take my photography more serious and join the R.P.S. by Joy Hancock F.R.P.S., M.P.A.G.B I owe her a huge thanks. So I joined the R.P.S. and gained my L.R.P.S. eighteen months later.

After being asked to do weddings, portraits, as well as pictures of working dogs. Never seem to have the time to do landscape photography, not with children hanging around. I was told that photography was “not a spectator sport.” I am most at home photographing horses. Can be seen often giving a leg up to a rider on a horse with one hand, whilst having a Nikon D800 slung over my other shoulder.

Being involved with local camera clubs, teaching, judging, small exhibition and having been successful in submitting to The Photographic Angle. I know it takes guts to put an image up for judgment. Viewing images and not just looking at them, I try and engage into the thought and emotional process, of what inspired the photographer to press the button at that moment and produce the finished image.

Surfing Memories

Mike Langdon

First Prize

The faded surfers, produces an ethereal feeling to the image. Maybe a lost friend or just time spent waiting for the perfect wave to come along, or the summer coming to and end. Either way it makes you think. Turning the image into black and white takes the fun and distractions out of the picture, making for a very strong image.

Back to the sea

Vlad Sidorak

Second Prize

A child’s footsteps vanishing, makes you wonder why. Along with being slightly uncomfortable. It could make you think what happened to your childhood. I do like the fact that the horizon tips down at the edges, emphasizing how small we are as individuals in the world.

Life on the ice

Sandra Angers-Blondin

Third Prize

With the deep blue cold sea contrasting warm cosy houses makes great use of a limited colour palate. Even the smoke rising from the house echo’s the white of the cloud. The peace and quite of the sea makes for a tranquil image.


Gary Cox


The power of the wave on the harbour wall reminds us how strong nature is.

The summer joy

Jevgenijs Scolokovs


Fun at the beach, with generations playing in the water. An image full of energy and life.

Castle on the cliff

Pawel Zygmunt


The warm comforting colours in the sky with the slow shutter speed contrast with the dark heavy storm clouds and derelict castle showing a more violent past.

Pier With A View

Alan Warriner


Looking back onto the beach where all the action is from the donkeys to the ice cream van. Could be interpreted as looking back onto a life.