
This competition has now closed.


Lijiang Impressions Show
Mustafa Abdul Hadi
Goutam Roy
Tejal Mewar


When we think of repetition, it normally evokes associations of tedious, uninteresting, and monotonous activities. However, when it comes to photography, using repetition can enable us to capture a powerful image that has real impact.
Visual patterns can create rhythm, harmony and cohesion, which can provide a sense of comfort for the viewer. By repeating elements over and over many times, it creates patterns which can strengthen the image. Zooming in on a pattern so that it fills the frame, for example, can really enhance the sense of repetition and can give the impression that the pattern is far bigger than it actually is.
However, if an image shows pure repetition, it stands the chance of overwhelming the viewer as there is no real focal point in the image. A great way of counteracting this is to break the repetition by including a contrasting object, a different colour, a distinctive texture or a specific shape. This deliberate use of opposition will draw the attention of the viewer and gives dramatic impact to the shot.
We are looking for your attempts at creating strong images using repetition. Be as creative as you can with your composition to create the biggest impact. Good luck!

Competition Judge

Ata Mohammad Adnan

Ata Mohammad Adnan, a doctor by profession and a photographer out of passion, was born to doctor parents in 1989 and finally picked up a camera during his third year in medical school. Adnan is essentially a people photographer and intends to tell their stories through his photographs. Photography to him is an extension of his lifestyle and his camera, a part of his body. Photography has helped him get closer to people, often breaking through socio-economic borders. His photographs have been published on various platforms like the BBC, CNN, The Huffington Post, The Guardian and a host of local newspapers.

He has exhibited his photographs in ten different countries around the world and has also won a number of national and international photography awards, including the prestigious Sony World Photo Awards 2015. He is currently one of Sony Alpha’s global ambassadors. Adnan is now pursuing his Masters in Diabetes at the University of Leicester, UK (Oct 2016-Sept 2017)

Lijiang Impressions Show

Mustafa Abdul Hadi

First Prize

Even at first glance, I felt strongly connected to the photograph. The theme is brilliantly portrayed and while one usually thinks of objects when we talk about repetition, the photographer has managed to freeze a moment with repetition of humans. All of them have great postures/body language and the colors, atmosphere and content all adds up to make this a clear winner!


Goutam Roy

Second Prize

Another street photograph, brilliantly processed in monochrome and accentuated by the repeating white attire. I wonder if the photograph could have been better if none of the subjects were aware of being photograph but nevertheless this is a brilliant photograph.


Tejal Mewar

Third Prize

Another fascinating photograph, playing with shapes, lines and most importantly living objects. This is a great example of having great eyes to read and photograph such a moment.

Public Housing

Claudio Dell


Personally, I was expecting plenty of architectural shots, and I picked this over others for its character!

Infinite Cracks

Alexandre Lagreou


The textured soil has a story to tell and could fit in a bigger story. The simple composition is quite effective.

Varsity Life

Salim Samoy


A day-to-day life moment- plenty of us have probably seen it with our eyes but seldom caught on camera! Thats why its special.

Pencil Shreds

Anthony Into


I was looking for a different picture to interpret the theme, and there weren't too many conceptual photographs submitted. This one stood out for its simplicity, colors and composition.