Competition Archive


This competition has now closed.


Reflected Trees
Chinmoy Biswas
Frame of Footpath
Pranab Basak
Michael Houghton



Reflection photography, also called mirror photography, uses reflective surfaces that occur in nature, such as a still lake or man-made objects, like a city centre building for example, to create interesting compositions.
Reflections are incredibly beautiful tools to use in photography, and once you start looking for them, you might be surprised to discover how plentiful they are.
As you might expect, the most beautiful reflections are found on the surface of water. But remember, tiny puddles are also perfect for reflection photography.
In addition to a still surface of water, you can find great reflections on glass surfaces, cars, wet tarmac, ice or anything that has a mirrored effect.
It can be tempting to focus purely on the reflection. However, for the best results, your reflection photos should show a mix of reflection and reality.
It’s also important to remember that reflections don’t need to be perfect. In fact, reflections become so much more interesting when they are unpredictably distorted.
Symmetry is one of the most powerful tools in reflection photography. Most reflection photos have a degree of symmetry, and it can be cleverly emphasised to create a dramatic and powerful composition.
Your challenge for this competition is to enter images that use Reflections to create a strong composition. We look forward to receiving your images that show how you have creatively used Reflections to draw an emotional response to your images.

This competition will close at midnight (GMT) on Friday 28th February 2025

Competition Judge

Paul Branchflower

Paul Branchflower LRPS is a British photographer based in Swansea, South Wales. He is a keen amateur photographer, with a wide range of photographic interests, and has been judging club competitions for Welsh clubs for several years.

Reflected Trees

Chinmoy Biswas

First Prize

I chose this image because of it's strong, simple, beautiful subject. A cyclist among a line of trees, reflecting beautifully and symmetrically in water.

Frame of Footpath

Pranab Basak

Second Prize

A dramatic and colourful reflection.


Michael Houghton

Third Prize

A very simple and symmetrical high key image.

Workers Reflection

Chinmoy Biswas


Clever composition and nearly symmetrical

Kujalnik Mart

Yevhen Samuchenko


A beautiful reflection of a night sky in water

Reflections of Morning Glory

Pranab Basak


Beautifully composed, with many attractive elements in strong light

Tejal Reflection 3

Tejal Mewar


Dramatic and colourful composition

The Fisherman

Rajesh Dhar


A simple, powerful subject, perfectly timed to create beauty.


Balakrishnan S


A dramatic image combining a strong viewpoint and architectural and natural elements