Competition Archive


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Encircled Motion
Pranab Basak
Hands for Solidarity
Pranab Basak
Yaopey Yong


Competition Judge

Wayne John

I have been involved in photography since buying my first SLR, a Zenit EM back in 1978 and I had a home darkroom for mono prints. I bought my first digital camera, a Nikon DSLR in 2008 but now usea Sony A7iv and a A7iii for infrared work
Following a serious illness I was forced to retire from work in 2016, which allowed me to spend of time on my photography. I am a member of two Camera Clubs: Cymru Mono in Swansea and Afan Nedd in Port Talbot. I am also a Welsh Photographic Federation Judge, and I give talks to clubs. When judging I tend to lean more towards the aesthetics than the technical.
I try to keep my photography quite varied, from landscapes to urban and street. I’m quite fortunate to live in a forest, just outside Swansea, close to the Gower peninsular (the UK’s first area of outstanding natural beauty) where you will often find me on the salt marshes, and also within a few minutes drive to the rolling hills of Mawr to the north.
To keep me inspired I like to create projects. These may be things like: 1 hour 1 lens, using a fish-eye. Or maybe the same challenge but one day urban the next rural. Some projects are long term, like photographing the man-made objects within a rural setting but treating them as natural. Most recently I have started doing Infrared photography.

To see examples of my work, please visit:

Encircled Motion

Pranab Basak

First Prize

This black and white photograph is a cleverly constructed example of diminishing perspective. The young boys are playing, rolling tyres with a stick and all the action takes place within the frame of another tyre held by a third boy. The photographer has cleverly cropped the top of the boy in the foreground, to prevent him being a distraction. The landscape outside the frame of that tyre sets the scene.

Hands for Solidarity

Pranab Basak

Second Prize

This colourful image of group of men pulling in a rope, probably fishing nets, onto a beach Is an excellent example of linear perspective and the effect is multiplied by the reflection as the lines converge towards the vanishing point. We also see an example of Atmospheric Perspective. As the brightly coloured clothes and headwear of the men fade as they go towards the horizon


Yaopey Yong

Third Prize

This classic Moody landscape is a wonderful example of atmospheric perspective. The early morning light is just picking out the green fields in the foreground but the colour gently fade away to grey and then peach tones into the distance, as the sun gently illuminates the morning mist.

Colours of Sagar Island

Pranab Basak


The vibrant colours of the cloths immediately catch the viewers’ attention. The photographer has cleverly got underneath them to take this shot and using perspective they fill the frame and create drama.


Yaopey Yong


This is a beautiful lit mono shot. Using abstract shapes to emphasise perspective. The lines marked on the blocks function as good leading lines converging to the distance. The background is dark, solid black on one side, but with light creeping in from the right-hand side which again draws the viewer's eye into the photograph. This is a very cleverly constructed abstract shot.

A Must Get Ball

Maurice Wilson


Dramatic sports action shot. The viewer is immediately drawn to the players face. And then along her arm to the racket. Which is in enlarged due to exaggerated perspective. The main character and her racket are filling more than 2/3 of the frame the secondary person is smaller in the distance, again emphasising the use of perspective.

Yong 01

Yaopey Yong


A dramatic mountain landscape shot. The foreground stack with the building on top is beautifully lit and crisp and rich in colour. As the eye wanders through the mid-ground mountains to the distance, the colours and definition fade away due to atmospheric perspective


Bharat Bhambhaney


One can almost feel the heat and dust in this photograph. The use of atmospheric perspective really sets the mood for this photo. The heavy silhouette in the foreground, away to a dusty, backlit Taj.

Sultan Hassan Mosque

Galal Elmissary


The photographer has cleverly found a low angle to take this shot creating a 2-point perspective with verticals converging to a vanishing point near the top of the picture and the horizontal lines converge in somewhere off frame below the centre. The inclusion of a person helps the viewer’s eye understand the photo.