
The Photographic Angle regularly runs photographic competitions which are open and accessible to everyone, regardless of their location, ability, experience, equipment or age.

Each competition has a theme, chosen by our Head of Design, and we welcome submissions that illustrate this theme showcasing originality and a unique viewpoint. The competitions are free to enter and TPA enlists the help of an independent judge who is given the responsibility of selecting the winning entries. One photographer whose entry is deemed the best representation of the competition theme will be awarded a prize.

Throughout the year, our Head of Design will also choose a selection of the best entries submitted to various competition themes for inclusion in one of our future photographic exhibitions. The chosen images will then be printed by the charity and exhibited at no expense to the photographers. If your work is chosen for inclusion you will be contacted via email and asked to send us high resolution versions of your work.



For our latest competition we have chosen the theme ‘hidden in plain sight’ which does not link directly to photography as maybe some of our previous themes have done, but lends itself to the ethos of our photography competitions as we like to encourage creative entries.

Hidden in plain sight is an expression that refers to something that is seemingly hidden, but is actually easy to find.

And that ‘something’ is worth finding because it sparks joy or curiosity maybe – an emotional response of some sort that would inspire a photographer to capture it in it’s surroundings and preserve that memory.
For example, you may find a mansion with interesting architecture, hidden by Virginia Creeper, or a brightly coloured toy that has been discarded and lies among monochromatic waste, or maybe a functional item that has been repurposed from something completely different?

Your challenge for this competition is to enter images that have something that is ‘hidden in plain sight’ to create a strong composition. We look forward to receiving your images that show how you have creatively used this theme to draw an emotional response to your images. The more unusual and creative your entry, the better!

This competition will close on 31st May 2025 at midnight (GMT)

Image (C) Jeff Goodman


The prize for the winning entry will be a £50 (or equivalent value for your Country) Amazon Gift Card or Voucher.

There is no alternative prize and the judge’s decision is final.

Competition Judge


I have been a photographer in some capacity since my early teens, I suppose. But my interest was taken when I joined my first club back in 1991. I learnt lots from the guest speakers, judges and members and I decided that I wanted to better myself outside the camera club environment and see if I could attain some recognised photographic accreditation. In 2007 I gained my Licentiate of the Royal Photographic society.
This was a journey that would take me down many avenues, also becoming a local guest speaker and judge for clubs in South Wales. Then I was given the chance to judge my first international salon as well. This process allowed me to learn a lot more and understand what other judges might be looking for!
I have to date judged salon in places in Wales, England, Ireland and India. I have also been on the Associate Day for the Welsh Photographic federation a number of times, where we assess panels of 12 images that sit together on a theme, chosen by the entrant on any they think will work. I have also been a judge in the Welsh Salon, to highlight the best photos from photographers in the area.
My own personal journey meanwhile has taken me down several routes, hence all the ‘letters’ after my name; but what makes me tick, might be of interest. I love architecture, and also enjoy travel photography, as well as other aspects of photography that perhaps are a bit more challenging, such as live photography of pop & rock concerts. I also enjoy going to explore old buildings and historical sites, and we document them and their location. An added element is drone photography, which can show off the place from a different aspect. So maybe I have a few strings to my bow. But I do also enjoy seeing others’ photographs. So if you enter the latest theme, good luck.