
Understanding Vanishing Points
6th Oct 2017
You may remember last month we brought you Wendy's photo chllenge on leading lines. Within this post we spoke briefly about vanishing points; the point in the distance where parallel lines seem to meet.
We've just…

Visual Balance
1st Apr 2015
A sense of visual balance is essential in a photograph, without it we find the image unsatisfying. Balance is achieved with a combination of symmetry and harmony.
Symmetry is generated by placing one large, single subject…

1st Mar 2015
PERSPECTIVE We usually want our two-dimensional photographs to appear three-dimensional. Knowing how to take full advantage of your camera's controls is important, but the key to producing dramatic pictures lies with the design…

The Perfect Viewpoint Pt 5
12th Dec 2014
Photographs by Adrian Stone
Portraits of children and pets are often taken by adults standing up. This viewpoint diminishes the power of the subject, so they appear submissive and vulnerable. So try shooting upwards at your…

The Perfect Viewpoint Pt 4
5th Dec 2014
Photograph by Hao-Wu 'Runner' Beijing, China
In the image above, Hao Wu has generated a great sense of drama in his photograph. He took the image from just above street level. This viewpoint increases the image's…

The Perfect Viewpoint Pt 3
28th Nov 2014
Photo by Swapnali Mathkar 'Fire in water, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Leading lines within a photograph help to draw the viewer's attention to a specific element, or to tell a story as a journey. They are…

The Perfect Viewpoint Pt 2
21st Nov 2014
Reflection Beijing taken by Hao Wu
Architectural photographs of tall buildings often need to be taken when you are fairly close to them, so how can you avoid converging verticals?
To reduce the effect, move back as…

The Perfect Viewpoint pt 1
14th Nov 2014
The following set of tutorials draw on the compositional elements of images taken in a variety of settings across the world. They vary in their content, style and impact. What they all have in common…

The Rule of Thirds
23rd Jul 2012
The 'Rule of Thirds' can help create natural balance in your photograph and add to its impact.

Composition - The Viewpoint
29th Mar 2012
This article takes a look at some of the twentieth century's most celebrated photographers and how they use composition to enhance the feeling of their photographs.