Pic Of The Week

Pic of the Week: World Animal Day
4th Oct 2019
Image: Sheila Haycox 'Yawning'
4th October is World Animal Day and is a day of action recognised worldwide for animal rights as well as welfare. On this day, animals are celebrated in various ways in every…

Pic of the Week: Mother's Day UK: Sunday 22nd March
20th Mar 2020
Image: Partha Pratim Saha 'Make up'
Here in the UK, we will be celebrating Mothers' Day on Sunday.
Celebrating mothers, step-mothers, adopted mothers, curtesy mothers, grandmothers, and all women who have put the needs of of a…

Pic of the Week: Competition Inspiration: Contrasts
13th Mar 2020
Image: Udayan Sankar Pal 'Worlds Apart'
Our photography competition, 'Contrasts' has been open for entries for just over a week, and we have already received some pretty impressive images.
We really like this one from Udayan Sankar…

Pic of the Week: Competition Judge: Fransisco Willian Saldhana
6th Mar 2020
Image Fransisco Willian Saldhana
Our pic of the week this week is an image taken by our competition judge, Fransisco Willian Saldhana, who is judging our latest competition entitled, 'Contrast'. As you can see, he is…

Pic of the week: World Wildlife Day : Tuesday 3rd March 2020
28th Feb 2020
Images: 'Coming in to Land' by Richard Coles and 'Sawfly' by Johan Ingles le Nobel
The theme for this year's World Wildlife Day will be "Sustaining all Life on Earth", encompassing all wild animal and plant…

Pic of the Week : You can Care Week : 24th February to 1st March 2020
21st Feb 2020
Image: Zofia Adamowicz : Dressing Up
Next week is 'You can Care' week, which highlights the work of the millions of carers in this country.
The message they would like to convery, is that if you’re caring,…

Pic of the Week: Previous Bursary Winner: Mandy Barker
14th Feb 2020
Image: 'The Mixtape' Mandy Barker
Those of us of a certain age will recognise this essential piece of musical kit from our youth.
But for one young lady, it was a mixtape that she recognised because it…

Pic of the Week: Chosen by us : Hannah Clegg Operations Manager
10th Feb 2020
Image: Saldanha Fransisco Willian 'Campus UN Brazil'
We have decided to try something a little different this week.... instead of bringing you a pic of the week that relates to the date or to something topical…

Pic of the Week : Backwards Day : 31st January 2020
31st Jan 2020
Image: David Osborn 'King Penguin Courtship'
Did you know that today is 'YAD SDRAWKCAB'? No? And you think I've just written something in a foreign language?
No, not a foreign language! It says that today is 'BACKWARDS…

Pic of the Week: A Beautiful World : on tour very soon
24th Jan 2020
Image: Dave Foker 'Robin sitting on frozen Basingstoke Canal'
Our 3rd tour of this quarter opens next month, and we are sending out our ever popular theme, 'A Beautiful World'.
Beauty can be found in all things,…

Pic of the Week : A Splash of Colour : 2nd tour opens next week
17th Jan 2020
Image : Martin Parratt 'Elephant Hiding'
As an antidote to the traditionally dreary Winter weather we have in the UK, we are sending out our full spectrum theme, 'A Splash of Colour' to various venues this…