
This competition has now closed.


Bridal Portrait
Alexandros Dalkos
Mark Miles
Tuija Underwater
Lisa Shalom


One of the gifts that digital photography has given us, is the ability to determine at once, whether an image is in focus or not. Those of us old enough to remember, no doubt still bear the mental scars of waiting a week for prints to be developed, only to discover that, while the subject matter was in good proportions, the images were out of focus! Photographers have the ability to draw the eye to a particular focal point in an image, by the clever use of photographic principles such as depth of field, leading lines, rule of thirds and negative space and this is our challenge to you for this competition. We look forward to receiving your entries which clearly show your technical ability with the use of ‘focus’ in your images.

Competition Judge


I have always had an interest in the arts and studied at school for my O/A levels in art. I painted for many years (canvas /oils) aviation and wildlife my preferred subjects. I have always been interested in photography (my father was also interested and I used to watch the development of negatives in the darkroom). Eventually joining my local camera club and using transparency film and becoming competitive, I joined the digital age about 10 years ago and have never looked back!!

The taking of images has taken me far and wide, to many places in the world.
Africa is top of my list, India, USA, Europe, The Arctic, Great Britain, Canada all following close seconds!! It is the enjoyment of photography and the capture of moments that may have passed if it were not for the camera that inspire me. That 500th of a second says it all, perhaps more than words
can say.

My subject matter is far ranging too: Wildlife, Landscape, Urban, Nude, Abstract, Portraits, Photojournalism, Mono and Colour.

I am a judge with the PAGB, EAF ( A panel ) Adjudicator for the RPS Licentiateship qualification, judging at camera club, inter club, National and International level. I have been successful with my images, winning Photo 98 and a £10,000 safari to Botswana. I appeared in Travel Photographer of the Year, was a finalist in 2013/14 in Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Garden Photographer of the Year and achieved a Highly Commended and a Commended. I have appeared in numerous books/magazines, the most prestigious “Portraits of Adventure” in collaboration with Range Rover. I also enter salons worldwide and nationals, challenging my photography. With many acceptances/awards I always try to see more from what we observe before pressing the shutter, a world of wonder awaits !!

Bridal Portrait

Alexandros Dalkos

First Prize

Shallow depth of field allowing the eyelashes to stand out and make for a totally different approach to wedding portraits. Original and very alluring image. Monochrome has the power to excel!!


Mark Miles

Second Prize

Punk band reminiscent of The Sex Pistols with the focus on the bass player beyond the vocalist. A raw and excitable image as the band would be! Dark and brooding

Tuija Underwater

Lisa Shalom

Third Prize

Beautifully taken monochrome of the moment this person entered the water. A demanding genre, but executed with aplomb


Samuel Greenhill


A gaze of innocence or not

Carnival Eyes

Ivan Gonzalez


A face in crowd, the eyes have it

I Can See You

David Gleave


A modern approach to candid photography


Eric Chia


Motherhood expressed